Who’s Weighing In


She is a loyal, kind and super fun woman. She can find out just about anything about just about anything (I’ve used her like air traffic control when the freeway was at a standstill), and she’s almost spoiled by her equally awesome husband. Plus, she has two kids (whom my kids call their “fake cousins”) that are great at passing their hand-me-downs our way.  written by AB


She is a straight shooter with a warped sense of humor that I adore. She is genuine and loves deeply.  I have only known her a few years but they have brought me tremendous joy and I am a richer person for knowing her. She’s a wonderful addition to the team here.  She has 3 terrific kids and a husband who is almost as fabulous as mine…almost.  🙂 written by Rae


 She is creative, adventurous and great at making friends. Well, she kind of has to be since her husband recently made her an Army Wife which has translated to at least 3 moves in less than as many years. She could scrapbook anyone under the table, she has an infectious smile, and if they’d let her I think she’d live at Disneyland (and I would visit her often). We forced our oldest children (both  girls) into friendship at an early age (birth) and the rest of them have happily followed suit. written by AB


She has an infectious smile, easy-going and always always up for the next adventure! She is also Mom to three kiddos that keep her busier than ever. An amazing pillar of motivation and achievement she exemplifies the phrase “those that do..teach”, as she currently works for the bariatric surgeon that started her life changing epiphany. She is creative, beautiful (inside and out), and an amazing friend (and sister)!!! written by Aims


She is my motivation!  She started this little blog to get help and to be a help and I know of many people that are encouraged weekly by it.  She is a devoted friend and loves freely.  I don’t know anyone that can make friends as easily as she can.  Her 3 kids are like my own as well as her husband…we are family…ok, maybe her husband is not like my own…but he is part of our family!  She is a full time student, mother, friend, wife and daughter…a busy lady to say the least!  Thank you for starting us on whatever journey this ends up to be. written by Rae


She is quick to smile and laugh.  She is fun to go to the movies with because her laugh is so contagious.  She is crafty, creative, and artistic.  She loves games and spending time with her family.  She has a darling two-year-old daughter and a great husband.  You won’t find a more kind and loving friend or sister anywhere! written by her sister Trish


She is loyal and kind. She is devoted to her family. She is just the right combination of shy and bold. She has mad skills when it comes to cake decorating. Someday I hope to meet her. That’s right I know all of this and we’ve only been friends on line (don’t worry I know she’s real…my husband has known her since they were teenagers). I think that says a lot about her character. written by AB

  1. Can’t wait to hear about your journey. This is brave and awesome.

  2. I’ll be praying for you, checking in, and am already inspired myself. Remember there are days that won’t be as “easy” as the really hard ones. And even if you falter, that doesn’t mean you give up. Love you guys!!! So proud!

  3. I send you my love! I too would love to say “yes” I’m in but for some reason putting this out there on line for everyone seems to be the one thing that would be difficult for me. I for the first time in 5 years have NOTHING to do with my afternoons. No PTA, no brownies, no extra work, no extra money for shopping..haha and just nothing to do! I keep saying I am going to go to the gym but its been two weeks and I have yet get there. So, my dear wonderful friends I am proud of you and I cant wait to hear about your stories, your ups and downs, and your success! Good luck Rae camping this weekend, Good luck AB with the long weekend..I know the three of you can do this! I wish it was sooo easy! All my love

  4. Proud of you AB. If I get as brave as you, I might start down this journey again. I need some inspiration.

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