Monthly Archives: November 2013

What to say?

My last post was 2 months ago and I was talking about starting again. 2 months. 8 weeks. 56 days. Potential loss of 8-16lbs+.

So what do I have to report after all this time?

2 months of nothing. 8 weeks of slug. 56 days of “could have.” Potential loss of- weight gain! I am at a higher weight than when I started. 249. Did I just write that? Yep, 249. Maybe if I type it a few more times I’ll be out of denial. 249, 249, 249, 249, 249,249 Gross, depressing, sad, unbelievable, pathetic….

I don’t even know where to start or what to do.  AB posted recently and  asked where we all are? I wanted to get back, but have nothing to say. Nothing motivational or inspiring anyways. I can’t get my yo-yo to get the second yo going.

Anyone want to come to CO and get my butt going again?

Work vs Work Out ?

I quit my job.

The job itself and the guys I worked for: GREAT!

What wasn’t so great? To sum up: lack of time.

Some women are fantastic at managing a job and family. I am not one of those women, at least not at this point in my life. I knew it was time to leave my part-time job after only four months when both my husband and kids were getting annoyed with me having to go to work.

I’ve decided that my new job is going to be fitness. If I can work out 4 to 6 hours a week then I will be successful. That’s a heck of a lot less time then I was spending in an office.

Of course, there are a few other things that will keep me busy…

D, E,  Hubs and N

Zombie, Cap’n Hook, Smee (my hubs) and Marine

But I think they’re worth some (ok, MOST) of my attention.

Really, my girl (that cute female version of Captain Hook) has already helped me. Last weekend, there was some lots of candy at my house. She and I were eating some a bunch as we watched a show on TV. After the show I said something about how the candy wasn’t that good and how I felt icky. Right there in that moment my beautiful teenage daughter made a pact with me (forced me into a pact?) that we were not going to have any “treats”, except on Sundays and then only 2. It sounded great at the moment, but even as I write this I’m trying to decide if I can make it through the next 36 hours until I get my fix.

Honestly, though, that whole “I’d do anything for my kids” thing seems to have kicked in this week. I am surprised at how many times I had to remind myself, how many times I had to say “No, thanks,” and how many times I probably would have had a treat if I had not made that pact with her.

Each of those decisions piled up to this:

surprised me

I’m embarrassed to say it’s been a year since my weight has been this low. Maybe I didn’t lose it all this week, but considering my last weigh in was 6 pounds heavier… I’m giving Cap’n Hook the credit for keeping me honest.

Now is time for me to get back into those old healthy habits: eating well and working out regularly. I don’t expect to be another 6 pounds down next week at weigh in but I will be sticking to my plan just the same. We will see what kind of rewards await my hard work!

Wish me luck!